What to do after a disaster in your home

Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice on the most important steps to take after a disaster in your home in order to keep your family safe
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What to do after a disaster in your home

After a disaster, a good rule of thumb to start is: Don't go back into a building until you've been approved to do so. If it's been cautioned or roped off or anything like that, and you had to evacuate, wait until officials say it's safe for you to go back into an area, once you have been evacuated. When you go back into your home, be very, very cautious; structurally, things may have changed--especially during an earthquake and definitely during a home fire. Be wary of your surroundings--check your utilities, your gas, your water, your shut-off. You don't want to eat any food that has been left over during a fire or flood water--that's not going to be good for you. Be very, very cautious of your surroundings and make sure that it's safe where you're going. If you are worried about your safety, wait--have a professional or a contractor come check it out before you go back in. Once again, emergencies affect us very differently. It could be something where you just needed to get outside the building, and it's okay for you to go back in. I always advise that you are very, very cautious upon entering, and you've checked your utilities to make sure that there aren't any leaks or any other dangers. Downed power lines--please don't ever touch a downed power line. Don't ever touch a live wire. Keep yourself safe and be very, very cautious following emergencies because life won't be normal.

Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice on the most important steps to take after a disaster in your home in order to keep your family safe


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Hilary Anderson, MA

American Red Cross

Hilary Anderson has been with the American Red Cross for the past three and a half years as a volunteer and staff member in positions with communications, disaster relief, development and volunteer services. As the Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, her primary responsibility is the delivery of educational programming across the Los Angeles region to get individuals, schools, businesses and organizations prepared for a disaster. As a dog owner, she also hopes to get your pets ready too! Hilary has a master’s degree in International Policy Studies with an emphasis in humanitarian assistance as well as a bachelor’s degree in International Relations, Journalism and German. She has worked for non-profits abroad in Israel, Bolivia and Germany focusing on grant writing, youth and education and also feeding and sheltering. 

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