How to prepare for a snowstorm

Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how to prepare for and stay safe in a blizzard or snowstorm
How To Prepare For A Blizzard - Winter Safety Tips
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How to prepare for a snowstorm

With all emergencies, we want to take three basic steps: Get a kit, make a plan, and be informed. For winter storms, what we want to have is that kit, that plan, and that information for what to do. Have your essential supplies on hand, and build onto that things that you would need during a winter storm: additional heating equipment; sand, rock salt, or non-clumping kitty litter to be able to spread on the driveway and make your steps less slippery; extra heating; and warm clothing--some gloves, hats--things that can keep you warm if it's a little bit colder outside. It's a good idea to have supplies in your car as well for during a winter storm, if you happen to need any of those tools to be able to get out safely. If you happen to be traveling or going away during extreme cold, you want to set the heat in your home to at least 55 degrees Fahrenheit so that you maintain a certain level of warmth. Winterize your vehicle and make sure that you keep your tank full of gas--that you keep the fuel line from freezing. Having snow chains--even a snow shovel--will also be helpful for your car. You also want to winterize your home. Make sure that you've got it insulated. Make sure that you're checking your heating--like your chimneys and your furnaces--and making sure that they're cleaned out and working every year.

Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how to prepare for and stay safe in a blizzard or snowstorm


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Hilary Anderson, MA

American Red Cross

Hilary Anderson has been with the American Red Cross for the past three and a half years as a volunteer and staff member in positions with communications, disaster relief, development and volunteer services. As the Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, her primary responsibility is the delivery of educational programming across the Los Angeles region to get individuals, schools, businesses and organizations prepared for a disaster. As a dog owner, she also hopes to get your pets ready too! Hilary has a master’s degree in International Policy Studies with an emphasis in humanitarian assistance as well as a bachelor’s degree in International Relations, Journalism and German. She has worked for non-profits abroad in Israel, Bolivia and Germany focusing on grant writing, youth and education and also feeding and sheltering. 

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