Emergency Preparedness Videos
View Hilary Anderson, MA's video on Everyday household hazards you can avoid...
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, explains the essential items to include in your home emergency preparation kit
Shiva Rose, Curator of the eco-holistic life style web site, The Local Rose, shares advice for parents on how to make a homeopathic medical emergency kit for your family
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, explains how much gas and money you should always have to use in case of an emergency
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on what to do if you lose electricity after a disaster or emergency
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how to prepare for and stay safe in a blizzard or snowstorm
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how to prepare for a hurricane and how to stay safe during one
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how to stay safe in a heat wave
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on what everyone needs to know about preparedness
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, explains the helpful organizations that people should know of and seek help from after an... read more
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager shares advice on where to find clean drinking water to drink during a disaster or emergency
Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice on the importance of knowing where your shut-off valves are in order to shut off your gas and water in an emergency
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares the three most important steps for preparing yourself for an emergency
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, explains how to create a two-week emergency preparedness kit for your home
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, explains why it is important to have an out-of-state contact in order in order to contact in an... read more
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice for parents on how to create an evacuation plan with your family to prepare in... read more
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how technology can be used to help keep you safe during a disaster
Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice on the most important steps to take after a disaster in your home in order to keep your family safe
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice for parents on what to do if you become separated from your child during a natural... read more
Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager shares advice for families on how to prepare your family for an emergency evacuation
Hilary Anderson, MA American Red Cross, shares advice on what to do in an earthquake in order to stay safe when an earthquake happens
Hilary Anderson, MA American Red Cross, shares advice for parents on what to do if you are separated from your children in an earthquake
Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice on the little known dangers that occur after an earthquake and what to do to stay safe after an earthquake
Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice on which day of the year has the most house fires occur in order to help you be cautious and prepare for an... read more
Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice on what to do if a home fire occurs in order to stay safe
Hilary Anderson, MA, American Red Cross, shares advice for parents on why it is far more dangerous to go back into a burning building for loved ones and the importance... read more
Ricki Lake, Actor & Producer, shares advice for parents on how to keep your family safe during a natural disaster and survive through it with your children
I have thought long and hard about how to best prepare all parents for the unthinkable. That, of course, would be the moment one might have to actually perform CPR... read more
Technology Expert Lori Getz, MA, explains what Smart 911 is and shares emergency preparation advice on how smart 911 can help in an emergency
Richard Pass, RN, shares emergency preparation advice for on the importance of creating an emergency phone number list, what emergency phone number lists should include... read more
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice on whether it is best to call 911 from a landline or from your cell phone in an emergency
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents with a newborn on how to prepare emergency kits while taking into your child into consideration
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice how to protect yourself and stay safe during an earthquake
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice on how to keep yourself warm if you are stranded in the snow in your car
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents on how to best prepare your family and home for an earthquake
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents the essential materials that all families should have in their first aid kit
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents on how to make sure your family is prepared for an emergency when traveling on vacation
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents on why it is necessary to know your child's school's emergency plan in case of an emergency
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice on how to prepare emergency kits and food for your family in an emergency
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler explains why having an out-of-state contact is essential in case of emergencies
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents on how to pack a proper emergency kit for your family
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice for parents on what every family should be sure to have in their emergency preparedness kit
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares her top tips for parents on how to keep your family prepared for an emergency
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler explains whether or not people can use cell phones in an emergency and what to do if we cannot
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice on how to be prepared for the loss of electricity during an emergency situation
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler explains why earthquake kids are so important for families and shares advice on how to create one
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler explains why its important to know your hotel's evacuation plan in case of an emergency when on vacation
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares tips for families on how to create a great emergency preparedness plan
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler shares advice on all the important things to consider in order to secure your home for earthquakes and emergencies
Emergency Preparedness Specialist Cari Butler explains it is important for families to have bio-hazardous waste bags in case of an emergency