How to stay safe during a heat wave

Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how to stay safe in a heat wave
How To Stay Safe In A Heat Wave - Emergency Preparedness Advice
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How to stay safe during a heat wave

Heat waves actually cause more weather-related injuries than any other type of emergency--more than flooding, more than fires--mostly because they sneak up on you. For the most part, heat waves tend to affect people with heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and then heat stroke, in that order. Stroke can kill you. The next time that you're on advisory for extreme heat or weather conditions, what you want to do it is be cognizant of that and take steps. Don't exert yourself. Don't go out into the heat for prolonged periods of time. Monitor your condition and take it seriously when you start feeling light headache or potential stomach cramps. You want to be particularly aware for young children, for elderly, and those who are already sick; they may be affected even quicker than the average person. If you do see that, remove them from the heat, give them some water to sip on, and monitor their condition, because if it worsens, you need to take action. Please, next time the heat is coming, be extra careful and watch out for those we love.

Hilary Anderson, American Red Cross Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, shares advice on how to stay safe in a heat wave


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Hilary Anderson, MA

American Red Cross

Hilary Anderson has been with the American Red Cross for the past three and a half years as a volunteer and staff member in positions with communications, disaster relief, development and volunteer services. As the Preparedness and Resiliency Manager, her primary responsibility is the delivery of educational programming across the Los Angeles region to get individuals, schools, businesses and organizations prepared for a disaster. As a dog owner, she also hopes to get your pets ready too! Hilary has a master’s degree in International Policy Studies with an emphasis in humanitarian assistance as well as a bachelor’s degree in International Relations, Journalism and German. She has worked for non-profits abroad in Israel, Bolivia and Germany focusing on grant writing, youth and education and also feeding and sheltering. 

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