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First Aid and CPR Videos

Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric surgeon, explains when and why child protective services may be called when a child is brought to the emergency room
This story just breaks our hearts. Last week, two-year-old Elaina Redding bled to death three weeks after swallowing a button-sized battery.
Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, tells parents what they need to know about pediatric burns
Shiva Rose, Curator of the eco-holistic life style web site, The Local Rose, shares advice for parents on how to make a homeopathic medical emergency kit for your family
Hilary Anderson, MA American Red Cross, shares advice for parents on how to prepare for handling small emergencies in your home
Richard Pass, RN
I have thought long and hard about how to best prepare all parents for the unthinkable.  That, of course, would be the moment one might have to actually perform CPR... read more
Peter Levine, PhD, Author of Trauma Proofing Your Kids, shares advice for parents on how to best support your child and keep them calm when they are in the ER
School Psychologist & Therapist Maggie Kline, LMFT, shares advice for parents on how to help and comfort your child who is shaken up after an accident or fall
Maggie Kline, LMFT School Psychologist & Therapist, shares the main signs parents should look for after their child experiences a traumatic event to check for shock
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice for parents on the signs that your child may have put something up his or her nose and needs to see a doctor
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child's split lip and the signs that you should take him or her to a doctor
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child's nose injury and how to tell if it should be examined by a doctor
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice for parents on how to identify and treat a shoulder dislocation in your child
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child after being bitten by a dog depending on the severity of the bit and the age of your... read more
Richard Pass, RN Richard Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to control and stop your child's bleeding from an injury or accident
Richard Pass, RN Richard Nurse, shares advice for parents on the importance of creating an accident prevention checklist for your family
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child if he or she is bitten by another child
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice on whether one should call 911 first or immediately begin performing CPR in an emergency
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice on how to know when to initiate CPR to someone who is unresponsive
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice on whether it is best to call 911 from a landline or from your cell phone in an emergency
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice for parents on how to tell if your should drive your child to the hospital or call 911
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on how to decide whether to call 911 or drive your child... read more
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on what to do if your child is shocked electrically
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice for parents on how to properly perform CPR on infants
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on how to decide to take your child to the ER or... read more
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on why all children's eye injuries should be seen in an... read more
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child's frostbite
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to properly treat your child's broken tooth, knocked out tooth, or other dental injury
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR expert, shares advice on how to perform CPR for a drowning victim and how to tell if a drowning victim is revivable
See Richard Pass, RN's video on Signs of life and CPR...
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice for parents on how to properly administer rescue breaths in children when performing CPR
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR expert, shares advice for parents on how to properly do the heimlich maneuver for infants when their airway is obstructed
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR expert, shares advice on how to overcome one's fear of performing CPR incorrectly
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to remove and treat an airway obstruction in your child
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on to properly treat your child's puncture wound
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on what to do when your child swallows an object and the... read more
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents the essential materials that all families should have in their first aid kit
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on the basics that parents should know when treating your child's head injury
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice for parents on how to perform CPR for older children above the age of 8
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child's broken bone before taking them to a hospital emergency room
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on to treat your child's burns and how to know if it is... read more
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse & CPR Expert, shares advice on how to properly administer chest compressions and perform CPR
Neuropsychologist Peter Stavinoha, PhD, shares advice for parents on sports concussions in children, the signs that your child may have a concussion and how to treat it
Richard Pass, RN Registered Nurse, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child's burn and how to tell if it is serious enough to be checked by a doctor
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on how finger's are most often cut off in fingers and... read more
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for treating your child's cuts and how to tell if your child needs... read more
Pediatrician Alan Nagar, MD, MHA, Emergency Medicine, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for treating your child's head injuries and how to tell the signs of... read more
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