Fears about CPR
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR expert, shares advice on how to overcome one's fear of performing CPR incorrectly
The fear of doing CPR incorrectly has resulted in many cases of just doing nothing. And the absence of help in these situations has proven to be a fatal mistake. So it’s actually the error of omission rather than commission – which would be doing it wrong.
As long as you’re in the zone that we’re talking about – the intersection of the breastbone and the nipple line and pumping deep enough, you should be able to make a difference. There is no perfection in this skill – there is only the attempt and the willingness to do it. So we have to get over these initial fears and realize that this person’s life is on the line and we don’t have to be perfect – I think it's an important concept.
Richard Pass, RN, Registered Nurse & CPR expert, shares advice on how to overcome one's fear of performing CPR incorrectly
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Richard Pass, RNRegistered Nurse & CPR Expert
Richard Pass, RN, BS, was born in Los Angeles. He studied nursing in Portland, Oregon and has since practiced nursing for 35 years, including ICU, Emergency, and Cardiology nursing. Richard started his CPR & Family Safety educational company, Save a Little Life, Inc., in 1999. With Save a Little Life, Inc., Richard presents house calls and classes all over the Los Angeles area. He teaches medical-surgical nursing at California State University, and is married with two grown children and one grandchild.
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