Inseminating with gynecologist vs. fertility specialist

Learn about: Inseminating with gynecologist vs. fertility specialist from Janis Gaudelli,...
Inseminating with gynecologist vs. fertility specialist | Kids in the House
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Inseminating with gynecologist vs. fertility specialist

So when getting inseminated, most women tend to go to a fertility clinic because they know the ins and outs of insemination and all the different processes that go along with insemination. But there are gynecologists that have a background in inseminating women to become pregnant. I chose to go with my gynecologist and it was really such a seamless, pleasant, very familiar process for me, whereas there are single moms by choice that go through the fertility clinic process and they feel like they are just a number. There is an assembly line, what have you. But I think that end result is being pregnant so whichever process the woman goes through is wonderful.

Learn about: Inseminating with gynecologist vs. fertility specialist from Janis Gaudelli,...


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Janis Gaudelli

Single Mom

Janis Gaudelli is a native New Yorker, living in Los Angeles. In her mid thirties, she made the decision to become a single mother by choice via donor insemination. She is the Vice President of The Futures Company. In her free time she enjoys dinner with friends, the ocean, and reading a good book. 

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