Help for constipation during pregnancy

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach Ling Wong, MS, CHC, shares advice on the best ways to relieve constipation during pregnancy
Help For Constipation During Pregnancy - Expert Pregnancy Guide
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Help for constipation during pregnancy

Try to eat a high fiber diet. It can help promote bowel movement and also a reduction in milk and meat products can help relieve constipation. Try including oats, prunes and flax seed in your diet. Vitamin B1 and E, as well as vitamin C can also help. Try to include probiotics in your diet. Probiotic help you establish a healthy gut flora, which in turn can facilitate digestion and elimination. Some good examples are yogurt as well as kimchi and sauerkraut. When you buy yogurt, look for labels that say live cultures. Make sure you drink a lot of fluid and include physical activities in your daily routine.

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach Ling Wong, MS, CHC, shares advice on the best ways to relieve constipation during pregnancy


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Ling Wong, MS, CHC

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach

Ling Wong, MS, CHHC, AADP, is the founder and director of Thoughts For Foods Holistic Health Coaching, and mother of a 21-month-old boy. She is a holistic nutrition and wellness coach specializing in preconception wellness, pre- and post-natal health, as well as mom-focused family nutrition. Ling holds a Master of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and Professional Training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

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