When men experience pregnancy symptoms

Author Armin Brott explains how 30-80 percent of expectant dads go through some pregnancy symptoms as well, and what some of the possible causes are
Causes of Men Experiencing Pregnancy Symptoms
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When men experience pregnancy symptoms

We all know women get pregnant, they grow, they get bigger, and it's all over; except for the parenting part of it, which takes the next 18 years to get taken care of. During the pregnancy, what's really fascinating, somewhere around 30 to 80 percent of expectant dads actually go through some pregnancy symptoms as well. They can have toothaches. They can have nosebleeds. They can get cramps. One of the most common ones is putting on weight. It's a really fascinating thing. Researchers don't quite know what to make of it, but I have a couple of theories, which I think are absolutely the right ones. One of them is, it's an attempt to take away some of the pain from the pregnant mom. We know that we are putting our partners through pain and she's going to have this big birth and is going to be in a lot of pain, unless she has a lot of medication. We want to take some of that away, so taking on a pregnancy symptom, kind of, subconsciously does that. The second reason is, I think dad's are saying, "Hey, look at me," kind of a thing. Dads are going through, psychologically very much the same as moms. It's going to be a life-changing experience. What they are saying, subconsciously and consciously, "Hey, you know what? My pants don't fit either. Pay some attention to me. My life is going to change. Look what's going to happen to me." It's all normal. What the most amazing thing is, immediately after the birth, it's gone.

Author Armin Brott explains how 30-80 percent of expectant dads go through some pregnancy symptoms as well, and what some of the possible causes are


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Armin Brott

Dad, Author & Radio Host

A former Marine, Armin Brott has devoted the last 15 years to providing men with the tools, support, and knowledge to help them become the fathers they want to be—and their families need them to be. His seven critically acclaimed books for fathers have sold well over a million copies. Titles include The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be and The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the First Year. He has written on fatherhood for hundreds of newspapers and magazines and is a frequent guest on such television programs as the Today Show. He also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column (Ask Mr. Dad), and hosts a syndicated radio show (Positive Parenting). He lives with his family in Oakland, California.

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