Dealing with your partner's morning sickness

Author Armin Brott shares advice for expecting father's on the best ways to help your spouse or partner with morning sickness and other symptoms of pregnancy
How To Help Your Partner With Morning Sickness
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Dealing with your partner's morning sickness

Pregnancy is filled with all sorts of terminology that you’re going to be hearing and a lot of that terminology is completely off base to what it really is. And one of the most off base ones is the concept of morning sickness. Because it doesn’t only happen in the morning. You sort of see it in the movies that it happens in the morning, but it can happen any time, anywhere, any place. And it’s important for guys to understand that that she may feel nauseous in the middle of the day and that’s part of the whole morning sickness kind of a thing. It’s a perfectly normal thing, her body is going through changes and she is going to be doing that. Not everybody does. Almost always, it’s over by the end of the first trimester. But as far as the dad, we’re always wondering and throughout the pregnancy and with this too, what can we possibly do to help her through this thing? We don’t like to see her – our partners – in pain. So one of the things you can do is make sure she gets a lot of rest. That does tend to take off the edge a little bit. Another thing is – if she happens to be someone who eats a lot of big meals – try to spread it out. Five or six small meals over the course of the day is much, much better for her. It’s much less trauma to her stomach. You also want to have soda, things that are… the same kind of thing you would have if you had a stomach flu – mild foods, carbs are fine. Not a lot of fat. And also as she goes through the pregnancy, many women have issues with scents or smells or textures of things, keep her away from that stuff. And if you know that she really hates the smell of friend onions, well, don’t fry onions anymore.

Author Armin Brott shares advice for expecting father's on the best ways to help your spouse or partner with morning sickness and other symptoms of pregnancy


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Armin Brott

Dad, Author & Radio Host

A former Marine, Armin Brott has devoted the last 15 years to providing men with the tools, support, and knowledge to help them become the fathers they want to be—and their families need them to be. His seven critically acclaimed books for fathers have sold well over a million copies. Titles include The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be and The New Father: A Dad’s Guide to the First Year. He has written on fatherhood for hundreds of newspapers and magazines and is a frequent guest on such television programs as the Today Show. He also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column (Ask Mr. Dad), and hosts a syndicated radio show (Positive Parenting). He lives with his family in Oakland, California.

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