Benefits of homeschooling

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Benefits of Homeschooling Children
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Benefits of homeschooling

What are some benefits to homeschooling a child? For the right family, it's just a great way to learn alongside your child, forge a stronger connection with them, and keep learning fun, and that passion for learning that children come with alive. Lots of kids feel sort of weighted down and burdened with the traditional curriculums, so for certain children, the ones that are going to be willing to work independently and work with the parent as a guide, it can really be a great opportunity for doing hands-on projects, going on field trips, museums, engaging with the real world, talking with people in different professions. There just need to be some basic ground rules in place so the expectations are clear on both what you're going to do each day and what the parent expects of the child. I home schooled my own son until he was in the 6th grade and it was really a great experience for both of us, I think, for the most part. And a lot of opportunities to real hands-on, excited learning.

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Susan Stiffelman, MFT

Author & Therapist

Susan Stiffelman is the author of Parenting Without Power Struggles: Raising Joyful, Resilient Kids While Staying Cool, Calm and Connected and the weekly parenting advice columnist at the Huffington Post. You can sign up for Susan's free parenting newsletter. 

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