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Talking About Adoption Videos

Watch Video: Secrecy versus privacy when talking about adoption by Beth Hall, ...
Watch Beth Hall's video on The importance of talking about birth parents...
Learn about: Tell kids they're adopted from Jeanette Yoffe, MA, MFT,...
Learn about: How to talk to kids about their adoption from Jeanette Yoffe, MA, MFT,...
Watch Langka Treadwell's video on Talking to your kids about their adoption...
Watch Video: Acknowledging loss in adoption by Maureen Donley, MA, MFT, ...
Watch Video: The importance of the adoption story by Maureen Donley, MA, MFT, ...
See Charley Kamen's video on Talking to your child about their adoption...
Watch David Brodzinsky, PhD's video on Importance of telling kids they were adopted...
View Maureen Donley, MA, MFT's video on Answering questions about your child's birth family...
Kids in the House
Talking to children about their adoption can be a slippery slope to navigate.
Pastor Jimmy Bartz talks about his experiences as an adoptive dad and how he discusses his daughter's adoption with her
Helping children understand the adoption process is vital. Beth Hall, Director of Pact - An Adoption Alliance, explains the best terminology to use throughout the... read more
Watch Kathy Gordon's video on Talking to kids about their adoption...
Watch Jeanette Yoffe, MA, MFT's video on When kids start asking questions about their adoption...
Watch Kathy Gordon's video on Lessons learned from non-traditional families...
View David Brodzinsky, PhD's video on Informing kids about their adoption...
View David Brodzinsky, PhD's video on Refusing to talk about adoption...
Jennifer Bliss, PsyD Counseling Director of Independent Adoption Center, explains what Birth Mother's Day is and how it helps give an adopted child a chance to learn... read more
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