When gay men raise a daughter

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When gay men raise a daughter | Kids in the House
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When gay men raise a daughter

We get asked a lot what it's like to raise a daughter being two men. For us, it's natural. It's our family. It doesn't feel unnatural at all. Our daughter, Simone, has a lot of female influence in her life. She has a fabulous grandmother, who is her nanny. She has her godmother, who she sees several times a week, so if there are any girl questions that we can't answer, she can look up to those. We don't really think about it too much. We're her dads. She's a very happy girl and we are a very happy family.

Watch Scout Masterson's video on When gay men raise a daughter...


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Scout Masterson

Adoptive Dad

Scout graduated from Penn State University in 1996. He then went on to exchange vows with his longtime partner, Bill Horn, on May 23, 2009. Scout's longtime friend Tori Spelling became an ordained minister to officiate his commitment ceremony to Bill Horn. Scout and Bill adopted a daughter, Simone Lynn Masterson-Horn. Simone was born in June 2010. Scout is a surrogate uncle to Tori Spelling's three children, Liam, Stella and Hattie. Scout and Bill have been featured on the hit series, Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood where they are known as "The Guncles".  

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