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Transracial Adoption

Transracial Adoption

Transracial adption brings its own layer of richness and complexity to adoption.  A transcracial adoptive family faces unique situations outside the home as onlookers are naturally curious.  Transracial adoptees often are faced with questions and misunderstandings about who their parents are and why they don't look the same.  Transracial adoptive parents have an opportunity to educate themselves about another race through the eyes of their children.  They also prepare their children to face their world and its set of racial issues. 


Our experts and parents offer insights about how to prepare yourself to adopt a child of a different race.  They also discuss tips for parenting these children in a way that will promote their sucess.  Beth Hall is an adoption educator who, co-founded Pact, An Adoption Alliance, which is a multicultural adoption organization dedicated to addressing essential issues affecting adopted children of color. Pact offers lifelong support and placement services for birth and adoptive families with adopted kids ... Read more

View Beth Hall's video on What to know before considering transracial adoption...
See Beth Hall's video on Acknowledging white privilege in interracial adoption...
Watch Beth Hall's video on Are there differences between culture, ethnicity and race?...
Beth Hall, Director of PACT - An Adoption Alliance, shares advice for parents of transracial adopted families on raising your children and teaching your kids to... read more
Beth Hall, Director of Pact - An Adoptive Alliance, shares advice for parents on how to help develop a positive racial identity in your child
Psychologist David Brodzinsky, PhD, explains the common problems that interracial adoptive families can face and how they can best overcome those problems
See Charley Kamen's video on Transracial adoption strategies...
Watch Video: Transracial adoption by Charley Kamen, ...
Therapist & Adoptive Mother Maureen Donley, MA, MFT, explains what the most common problems that transracial families often face and how to overcome those issues
Psychologist & Author David Brodzinsky, PhD, explains what the common challenges that transracial adoptees face and how parents can help them with those problems
Watch Charley Kamen's video on Transracial adoption advice...
Kids in the House
Because adopted children can feel singled out and different, parents must go through different child-raising experiences than with biological children.  When a... read more
Adoption expert Beth Hall analyzes the best ways to be supporting transracially adopted kids in your household, especially those in their teenager years who might also... read more
Beth Hall, Director of Pact-An Adoption Alliance, discusses whether or not parents today are parenting in a post-racial society
Beth Hall, Director of Pact-An Adoption Alliance, shares advice for parents on the best way to talk to young children about racism
Beth Hall, Director of PACT - An Adoption Alliance, shares advice for parents of an internationally adopted child on how to help your child understand and celebrate his... read more
Beth Hall, Director of Pact-An Adoption Alliance, shares advice for people considering adoption on confronting your own inner racism when deciding
Beth Hall, Director of PACT - An Adoption Alliance, explains the challenges that can often come with transracial adoption and how to overcome those challenges
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents of transracial families on how to best handle insensitive comments people make about your family
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for transracial adoptive parents on how to help their child build his or her own ethnic identity
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, explains the greatest challenges that she has faced since becoming a transracial adoptive parent and how to best solve those issues
Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents in transracial families on how to answer people's curiosity and questions about their family

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