Cruises & guided trips versus self-led trips
Finn Olaf Jones, Adventure Travel Dad, shares advice for parents planning a family trip on the advantages and disadvantages of going on guided tours vs. self-led tours with cruises
I find that when making a choice between whether self let trip do or doing an organized trip like with the cruise. You have to ask yourself how much logistics you want to be handling yourself. I find logistics your all the organizational things you have to take care of to get from point A to point B very tedious, and often a organized tour or a cruise will do all those things for you. But what's important if you going to do it that route are to make sure that you can escape the tours bubble. That you can get out on your own. Two ships that I find offer a great chance of that because you don't necessarily have to do their land based trips and I never do when I am with my kids. Recently in Norway, west coast of Norway with a cruise ship and we were able to get off at these very remote ports often place that have been very hard to get access to over land. And go off and make our own adventure. For instance we went to Burgeon and took a bus out to Trollhime which was Greek's home and got a grad student that shows around even that caught a crab on Greek's beach. And got back to the cruise ship and we had this incredible adventure which people take the organized Greek trip had not had. I would, you know I don't allowed to going with organized tour groups so you really have to have that flexibility to be on your own, especially with kids.
Finn Olaf Jones, Adventure Travel Dad, shares advice for parents planning a family trip on the advantages and disadvantages of going on guided tours vs. self-led tours with cruises
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Finn Olaf JonesDad & Travel Expert
A harrowing climb of Aconcagua in the Andes 15 years ago emboldened business analyst, Finn-Olaf Jones to write down his experiences and send them to Forbes who took the story. Finn now writes regularly for Forbes, Architectural Digest, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, National Geographic Traveler, the Travel Channel, and Adventure Travel magazine. He lives in Los Angeles with his lovely wife and five energetic children who can now all set up a tent in total darkness.
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