Understanding a child's grieving process

Amy Luster, MA, MFT Psychotherapist, shares advice for parents on how to understand your child's grieving process in order to ensure that they are processing it in a healthy way
How To Help A Grieving Child - Understanding Child's Grieving Process
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Understanding a child's grieving process

You may wonder if your child is proceeding through the grieving process in a healthy manner. Know that the grief process is unique for each one of us. It is normal for a child to experience a range of emotions from, sadness, confusion, anger, shock, fear. They may be more clingy or needy. Check to see how they are functioning at school and how a person-to-person conversation with their teachers about what their child is going through. Sad to say, sometimes a child that has gone through something such as this are the victims of bullying. Make sure this is not happening for your child or take measures to make sure they are safe. If your child is acting out, you can convey your support and understanding while still maintaining appropriate limits. This provides structure for your child. Know that your child may be grieving in or actually not grieving as they go through this. Children grieve differently from adults. They may seem sad or regress at times or physicality. They may even be acting like they are not even thinking about the death. This is all normal and healthy way for children to come to terms with the loss they are feeling.

Amy Luster, MA, MFT Psychotherapist, shares advice for parents on how to understand your child's grieving process in order to ensure that they are processing it in a healthy way


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Amy Luster, MA, MFT


Amy Luster, MA, is a psychotherapist and author. She holds a Masters in Clinical Psychology and is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and provides psychotherapy to individuals, couples, and families. She runs a group entitled, Parenting After a Loss which offers support, guidance, and education. Her emphasis is on assisting parents who have experienced a child-bearing loss whether from ongoing infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a baby. Her goal is to help families function in a healthy, satisfying way despite their past loss. Amy, her husband and their four children live in Santa Monica, CA. 

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