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Ill Family Member Videos

Stuart E. Siegel, MD Director, Children's Hospital Los Angeles shares advice for parents with a child diagnosed with cancer on how to best support them when there is no... read more
Kim Hamer, Widow & Founder of Exactly What They Need, shares advice on how to best support somebody who has a cancer
Kim Hamer, Widow & Founder of Exactly What They Need, shares advice on how to best support and help a child dealing with a sick parent
Amy Luster, MA, MFT Psychotherapist, shares advice on how to help support children who are dealing with a terminally ill family member
Kim Hamer, Widow & Founder of Exactly What They Need, shares advice on how to best support someone who has cancer
What do you tell your nine and two year old when their Daddy is facing a life-threatening injury with virtually no chance of survival?  How do you protect them from... read more
Stuart Siegel, MD, Director Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on giving your child the truth when telling them about survival rates and their... read more
Stuart E. Siegel, MD Director, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, shares advice for parents on how siblings can be affected when a child is diagnosed with cancer
Gary Dordick, Esq. Dad & Attorney, shares advice for parents on the best way to tell your kids that you or your spouse has been diagnosed with cancer
Catherine Mogil, PsyD Family Trauma Therapist, shares advice on how to best support and care for children whose military parent is ill or injured
View Karina J. 's video on Having cancer while taking care of kids...
Watch Karina J. 's video on How to explain cancer to your kids...
Watch Karina J. 's video on Taking care of yourself after having cancer...
Watch Video: Dealing with hair loss when you have cancer by Karina J. , ...
Shelley Hurguy, RN, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, shares advice from personal experience for parents with a seriously ill child on how to overcome the challenges... read more
Shelley Hurguy, RN, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, shares advice from personal experience for parents on the importance of also supporting your other children when... read more
Shelley Hurguy, RN, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, shares advice from personal experience for parents on how to help prepare your child for his or her... read more
Shelley Hurguy, RN, Certified Holistic Health Counselor, shares advice from personal experience for parents on how to help care for your other children during your child... read more
Elaine Gordon, PhD Fertility Specialist, shares advice for women on the effect that cancer treatment can have on increasing fertility challenges
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