Illnesses and Ailments Videos
Tamara Elise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on understanding childhood lead poisoning
Tamara Elise Rubin, Executive Director of the Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on what to do after your child has been diagnosed with lead... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on the most important things you should know about how runny noses and snot color relate to a child's... read more
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, explains what the causes may be when a child has painful urination, and explains how to tell if it is bad enough that you should take... read more
Pediatrician Jay Gordon, MD, shares the most effective ways to help your child avoid cough, cold, flu, and illness to keep them happy and healthy all year round.
The cold weather this holiday season often brings with it a rise in sicknesses as well. Join us on December 16th at 1:30pm PST for our live Pediatrician Panel!
Dr. Ed Buchanan, a pediatric plastic surgeon, details what parents can expect after a child has surgery
Summer is upon us, which means so are the inevitable summer injuries. Bug bites, sprained ankles, poison ivy… somehow, kids + sunshine – school = more... read more
I am really good at growing things. When I was sixteen, I found a small round marble under my right nipple. When I was twenty-two, I was brave enough to have it removed.
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice for parents on how to best explain to your young children that one of their parents is being tested for cancer
Lori Getz, MA Technology Expert, shares advice on the important factors to consider when searching for a genetic counselor
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice from her personal experience of what women should expect after undergoing prophylactic surgery
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice from her personal journey of testing positive for BRCA1 or BRCA2 on how someone who has just tested positive can best overcome the challenges
Watch Lori Getz, M.A.'s video on What to do when your friends aren't understanding about prophylactic breast cancer surgery...
Lori Getz, shares advice on when to test for BRCA1 or BRCA2 and why it is important to have your family tested for genetic mutations
Lori Getz, MA, shares advice from her experience on what the odds of getting breast and/or ovarian cancer with a BRCA mutation
Lori Getz shares advice for women on the important things to consider before deciding to have prophylactic surgery in order to help reduce the risk of cancer
Tamara Elise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on testing for childhood lead poisoning
View Tamara Elise Rubin's video on How I found out my kids were lead poisoned...
Tamara Ellise Rubin, Executive Director of Lead Safe America Foundation, shares advice for parents on how to treat your child if they are diagnosed with lead poisoning
Pediatrician Alan Greene, MD, shares advice for parents on how to recognize and treat lymph nodes in children and what signs should alert parents to take their child to... read more
Child Neurologist Jane Tavyev Asher, MD, shares advice for parents on the lifestyle factors, such as diet, sleep, and exercise, that play a role in determining proper... read more
Pediatrician Alan Greene, MD, shares advice for parents on how to recognize and treat tonsil stones in children and what signs should alert parents to take their child... read more
Pediatrician Alan Greene, MD, discusses some shocking data about kids and illness in America today and explains the effects that it could have on children later in life
Child Neurologist Jane Tavyev Asher, MD, shares advice for parents on what to expect when taking your child to a neurological exam in order to help parents and their... read more
Child Neurologist Jane Tavyev Asher, MD, shares advice for parents of children suffering from migraines on how to understand what their child is going through
Child Neurologist Jane Tavyev Asher, MD, shares advice for parents of children suffering from migraines on what medical treatments are available to help their child
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice on what every parent needs to know about flu season, including the age when kids can get flu shots, and how to help... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on the symptoms of strep throat and Scarlet Fever in children, and explains the best way to treat these... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on the most important things to know about coughs in kids, including the best treatments and ways to... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on how to best treat your child's vomiting and diarrhea
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on the benefits of keeping a health diary for your child in order to record any symptoms and medications... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on how to best treat the symptoms of food poisoning or a stomach flu in children and recognize the... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on whether or not it is safe and recommended to give your baby or child medication to help with jet lag... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on how to differentiate between a bacterial and viral infection in your child
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents who are worried about their child's fever on what signs to look for besides the fever in order to know if... read more
Pediatrician Tanya Altmann, MD, FAAP, shares advice for parents on how to tell if your child is healthy enough to return to school following a sickness
Frederick Goodall, Blogger of "Mocha Dad", shares advice for parents on how they can stay strong and close when a child faces serious medical issues
Pediatrician James Varga, MD, shares advice for parents on the best methods of treating your child's constipation and what can be done to help avoid constipation in the... read more
Tamiko Jordan, MD, explains when a child's vomiting and associated symptoms should become a concern parents and which signs should alert parents to take their child to... read more
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice for parents on the best way to handle your child's breath holding spell and how to tell if they become serious
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice for parents on the common symptoms, causes and treatment of Coxsackie Virus in children
Watch Video: What are the signs of trouble with the appendix? by Tamiko Jordan, MD, ...
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice on dealing with Pinworm, including the causes, symptoms, and best treatments for Pinworms
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice on dealing with ring worm, including the causes, symptoms, and best treatments for ring worm
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, answers all your questions regarding birthmarks, including the different types, colors, and locations, and when you should have the... read more
Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, shares advice on swimmers ear, including the causes, symptoms, and best treatments for swimmer's ear
Haley Figueroa, MA, LMFT Family Therapist, shares advice for new parents on the best way to treat your baby's constant earaches
Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shares advice for parents on how Chinese medicine can help treat digestive problems in children and what the Chinese... read more
Lawrence Ross, MD, explains the differences between a virus infection and a bacterial infection and the illnesses and treatments associated with each