Golden nugget of parenting advice

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Golden nugget of parenting advice | Kids in the House
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Golden nugget of parenting advice

My 2 golden nuggets of parenting are patience and acceptance. There are so many parts on parenting that are challenging. Because there’s the sleepless nights, there’s the stress of work, there’s the stress of being a parent and you’ve just got to be patient with yourself and with your children and with your partner. It’s vital for the balance of your family life. And acceptance. Accepting, okay, you wanted to go on this vacation and your child now has the flu. You just have to be in acceptance and that’s part of having a family and being a parent.

Watch Video: Golden nugget of parenting advice by Anna Getty, ...


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Anna Getty

Founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month

Anna Getty is the founder of Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM). She is a mother of two, a former pre-natal yoga teacher, author and holistic lifestyle educator.

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