Being inspired as a parent and change maker
Learn about: Being inspired as a parent and change maker from Mickey Guisewite,...
I am always so inspired by the children that we meet in our program. Children, at the heart of it, want to be kids. And they want to be kids no matter what their circumstance. I think children handle illness much differently than adults handle illness, and I think there's a lot to be learned from it. Children want to have fun and play, and that desire to have fun and play is so much bigger than the disease they're facing. I walked into a room the other day, we had given this little girl a Raggedy Anne doll, and if you could just imagine, she was this tiny little thing and she had all these IV's hooked up to her. She didn't have any hair, she had lost a lot of weight, and she wasn't thinking about any of that. All she was thinking about was the tea party that she was having with her Raggedy Anne doll. And she was having so much fun. It's really, really inspiring to see that. I know a boy right now who is going through brain cancer treatment. It's very, very tough on him. Right now, instead of thinking about his treatment, what he's thinking about is how he can get his radiation and chemotherapy done as soon as possible because he wants to be able to take his advanced placement exams because he wants to be able to get a merit scholarship to college. And that, to me, is so inspiring.
Learn about: Being inspired as a parent and change maker from Mickey Guisewite,...
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Mickey GuisewiteParent with a Purpose
Mickey Guisewite is a former advertising executive and syndicated newspaper columnist who started The Bottomless Toy Chest after her son successfully completed cancer treatment. The Bottomless Toy Chest is a nonprofit organization devoted to delivering toys, crafts and hands-on activities to hospitalized pediatric cancer patients. Mickey lives at home with her husband, son, daughter, two dogs, two cats and two turtles. When she’s not delivering toys to sick kids, she’s at home trying to find a tiny space on the couch among her two-legged and four-legged family members.
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