Treatments to consider before taking Accutane

Shannon Humphrey talks about various types of acne treatments.
Treatments to consider before taking Accutane | Kids in the House
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Treatments to consider before taking Accutane

What treatment should a patient take before they consider taking Accutane? It's a hard question to answer because all patients are different and there are some patients for whom Accutane is the best first treatment. But for most patients we have some time to try less aggressive options and we usually start with topical treatment. So there are a number of prescription-grade topical acne treatments that work very well. You just have to be patient. Most of them take somewhere between 8 and 12 weeks to really start working. With topical treatments, even when they work, you need to keep using them on an ongoing basis because we know that acne is a chronic condition and it requires maintenance treatment after the act of treatment has brought the acne under control. For some patients, creams and gels are just not enough and so we will add medication by mouth. Your dermatologist may prescribe an antibiotic or even a treatment to address the hormonal fluctuation that cause acne. So this is an oral contraceptive pill that's being prescribed for acne management, not for contraception. Once a patient has tried all of those and fail, this is often a time when we'll initiate a discussion about Accutane.
TEEN, Health and Development, Acne

Shannon Humphrey talks about various types of acne treatments.


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Shannon Humphrey


Dr. Shannon Humphrey is at the forefront of innovation in dermatology. Her active dermatology practice in Vancouver, British Columbia, is centered on the principle of using world-leading dermatological technologies and products to deliver healthy beautiful skin.

As the Director of Continuing Medical Education and Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology and Skin Science at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Humphrey teaches in the undergraduate, post-graduate and CME dermatology programs and also established an acne and rosacea subspecialty clinic. In addition to treating patients, Dr. Humphrey is an active clinical trialist, serving as the principal investigator for numerous pivotal cosmetic clinical trials.

Dr. Humphrey is a regular voice in local and national media and is an active committee member with the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the Women's Dermatologic Society, and the Canadian Dermatology Association.

A recognized expert in the use of soft tissue fillers and neuromodulators in particular, Dr. Humphrey is a frequent speaker and oft-published author on these topics with a continued focus on her personal passion for achieving natural-looking results.

Dr. Humphrey received her Bachelor of Science and MD with distinction from Dalhousie University, completed her dermatology residency at the University of British Columbia and is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and a Diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology.

Acne, Rashes and Skin Conditions
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