Tips for interreligious and interracial families

Learn about: Tips for interreligious and interracial families from Tristan Coppersmith,...
Tips for interreligious and interracial families | Kids in the House
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Tips for interreligious and interracial families

Being a member of an interracial and an interreligous family has its challenges, but it's pretty awesome, too. We have to focus on the things that bind us together, not just the things that separate us and realize that we have an opportunity to educate, not only our own family about differences that creates an environment of tolerance and open-mindedness; but when a sticky situation occurs outside of our home, we get the opportunity to educate other people about open-mindedness and tolerance. Essentially, helps all of us to be more self-loving and be self-advocates. When it comes to holidays, I'm Jewish and my husband is Catholic, we celebrate everything. Which is awesome because we get to celebrate more things. We make it a practice to educate why we are celebrating, so that we can educate them. Out of all of it, we get to create new traditions out of our blended family.

Learn about: Tips for interreligious and interracial families from Tristan Coppersmith,...


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Tristan Coppersmith

Stepmom & Expectant Mom

Tristan is a stepmom of two and a mom of one-on-the-way. By day she is a Love Stylist, helping single women navigate the challenges of dating. She is the author of Menu Dating and the soon to be released, Getting Out of Love's Way. By night she is a psychology grad student at Pepperdine. What she really lives for, though, is lazy strolls on the beach, eavesdropping at local coffee shops, shopping for vintage dresses and of course, snuggle time with the family. 

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