Birthmark coloration, variation and explanation

Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, answers all your questions regarding birthmarks, including the different types, colors, and locations, and when you should have the birthmark checked by a doctor
Birthmark Coloration, Variation, And Explanation
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Birthmark coloration, variation and explanation

So birthmarks can come in a variation of size, variation, and location. Brown ones are made of pigmented cells, or cells that make the color in your skin. The most common of those being cafe au lait spots, called that because they look like coffee with milk. They're about the same color. Red birthmarks are typically vascular, in that they are made of blood vessels very close to the surface, so close that you can actually see them as a red or a purplish mark on the skin. Your doctor might be concerned about birthmarks if there are say multiple birthmarks. For example, if there's multiple cafe au lait spots, there could be a syndrome called neurofibromatosis that your doctor might be concerned about. if there are hemangiomas, or the red birthmarks, in certain parts of your body, the doctor might also be concerned. This could be around your eye. That would affect the way your child may develop their vision, or around the air way, which could be a cause for hemangiomas in the air way. The purplish birthmarks if they're around the face in a certain distribution can be associated with another condition called Sturge- Weber that can be associated with seizures and developmental delay, so your doctor might want to check those out.

Pediatrician Tamiko Jordan, MD, answers all your questions regarding birthmarks, including the different types, colors, and locations, and when you should have the birthmark checked by a doctor


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Tamiko Jordan, MD

General Pediatrician, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Dr. Jordan was born in Riverside, California and received her medical degree from Saint Louis University School of Medicine.  She completed her pediatric residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and has since worked in many different settings.  Currently she is an attending pediatrician at the Altamed General Pediatric Clinic at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles where she teaches pediatric residents and sees her own patients in private practice.  She has been featured on ABC7 and FOX11 news as well as the Patt Morrison Show on 89.3 KPCC.  Her latest project is the asthma clinic at Altamed, where she can spend more time educating patients and parents about optimizing their asthma care and minimizing ER visits and lost school days.  

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