Regaining a positive body image after having a baby

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Regaining a positive body image after having a baby | Kids in the House
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Regaining a positive body image after having a baby

So many women think, if I could just back to the number on the scale that I was before I had my baby, I'll feel completely better about my body. And the reality is oftentimes women will get back to that number, but they'll still have a negative body image, because their hips might be wider, or they might have stretch marks, or their breasts might be different than before. Usually what I find is that the number on the scale really represents the desire to get control back in their lives. So the feeling is I will feel better. But what they're really looking for is to feel more like themselves. Having a baby is a huge change. You were an independent person. Now your life revolves around a baby. You don't yet have the confidence in having a new mom. So women sometimes turn to their body and they want to control their body instead of realizing that there's a new normal that they have to get used to. So what's better is just to focus on exercise, eating well, taking care of yourself. And if you're doing those things, it's really a good idea not to step on the scale. I often tell moms, put the scale away, especially if you're somebody who you find obsessing about that number, stepping on the scale every day. Put the scale away. Nobody knows your number but you. Nobody knows the size of your clothes but you. Your friends aren't coming over and peeking at your label and saying, hey, you're not the same size as you were before. So focusing more on a healthy diet, exercise, taking good care of yourself is really more of the keys to having a positive body image than focusing on the number on the scale.

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Jill Campbell, PsyD

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Jill Campbell received her B.S. from Boston University, her M.A. from New York University, and her Psy.D. from Ryokan College. As an intern at The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Jill worked in their therapeutic nursery school with special-needs preschoolers. Dr. Campbell completed her post-doctoral training at Cedars Sinai Early Childhood Center in Los Angeles. Jill has worked in private practice and for a group pediatric practice in Encino. In addition, she has been a guest speaker on different child development issues for preschools and moms clubs in the Los Angeles area.

Jill has worked on body image and self-esteem issues with school-aged girls in the Beverly Hills School District and private schools in Los Angeles. For over five years, Dr. Campbell facilitated eating disorder groups for New Directions Eating Disorder Center in Sherman Oaks. She has also devoted her time at The National Organization for Women, an organization dedicated to promoting equality to all women.

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