Semen analysis test

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains how a semen analysis test is done, what normal semen analysis test results are, and what men should know and do before undergoing the test
Semen Analysis Test - Expert Fertility Advice
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Semen analysis test

When we have a patient's partner undergo a semen analysis, we generally ask them to abstain from ejaculation anywhere from two to five days. Then they are either given a cup, so they can collect a specimen at home or they come into our office and go into a room that it designated for that purpose and collecting a specimen. They hand that specimen off to our Andrologist, who is the person who evaluations the sperm. What we like to see in a normal semen analysis is a volume of the semen that is greater than two millileters. We want the count to be at least 20 million sperm per milliliter. We like to see that at least 50 percent of them are swimming. We also look at the shape of the sperm, which is called the morphology. Depending on the criteria we use, we would like to see either 40 percent or at least 30 percent that are normally shaped.
PREGNANCY, Fertility, Infertility

Fertility Specialist Kari Sproul, MD, explains how a semen analysis test is done, what normal semen analysis test results are, and what men should know and do before undergoing the test


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Kari Sproul, MD

Fertility Specialist

Kari Sproul is a Reproductive Endocrinologist and Infertility (REI) doctor in Los Angeles. She sees patients who have irregular menstrual cycles, as well as patients who are trying to conceive.  She is married and has a 20-month-old son.  In her spare time, she enjoys all outdoor activities.  She also loves to run and recently completed her first triathlon. 

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