Science weighs in on circumcision

Psychologist Polly Palumbo, PhD, explains what recent research shows the benefits and risks associated with circumcision are
The Benefits of Circumcision - Science Weighs In On Circumcision
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Science weighs in on circumcision

For parents trying to figure out whether to circumcise their sons, there is some research on the matter. In general, the research shows that there are very modest benefits for circumcising. In terms of risks, there are even smaller risks. It is the same as is associated with minor medical procedures. In terms of the benefits, most of these tend to involve a lower risk of sexually transmitted diseases. For example, HIV. That is of particular importance to public health officials, especially the World Health Organization, who is using circumcision as a tool against HIV in Africa. For parents elsewhere in the United States, that might not mean much. Basically, it's up to parents to decide.

Psychologist Polly Palumbo, PhD, explains what recent research shows the benefits and risks associated with circumcision are


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Polly Palumbo, PhD


Polly Palumbo, PhD, is a former research psychologist and founder of Momma Data, a non-profit organization that tracks the parenting media and checks on the scientific evidence behind claims about children’s health and well-being. As a research consultant, she reviews and decodes studies for parents, educators, journalists and organizations. In the past she’s conducted and collaborated on numerous research projects in psychology, health and education across academia, government and the private sector and has co-authored articles in leading academic journals and texts.  As an outspoken critic of the parenting media, the only thing she enjoys better than reading a great study is debunking a bad one on her Momma Data blog. It’s her mission to flush out misinformation in the media and coach parents how to judge news and evidence about kids.      

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