Speech issues and bilingual kids

Learn about: Speech issues and bilingual kids from Simona Montanari, PhD,...
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Speech issues and bilingual kids

Even if a child has a speech delay, they can still be raised with two languages. Research has shown that even with a speech delay or impairment, the child who is bilingual will show the same type of impairment in each language, that a monolingual child will show in his language. Basically, taking away one language is not making things any better in the other language. On the other hand, if for example, the parents are advised to take away the home language and only teach to the child, this can have negative consequences because may be the parents don't speak English well enough to do this. Maybe the bond between parent and child. Ideally, the child might receive intervention in the clinic in English, but the parents should still support the home language in the home. Bilingual intervention would be even more ideal. In this country, it is very hard to get bilingual intervention. But absolutely, the child should receive the support of the home language. It's better for the child than to take away the home language.

Learn about: Speech issues and bilingual kids from Simona Montanari, PhD,...


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Simona Montanari, PhD


Simona Montanari is Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies at California State University, Los Angeles, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on language development and second language acquisition in childhood. She received a PhD in Linguistics from the University of Southern California specializing in language development in monolingual and multilingual children. Dr. Montanari has published her research in prestigious peer-reviewed journals and she is regularly invited to present on early bilingualism and trilingualism locally and internationally. Dr. Montanari has also been involved in the creation and implementation of an Italian-English dual language program in the Glendale Unified School District, for which she continues to work as a consultant. Dr. Montanari has two trilingual and tri-literate daughters, six and seven years of age.

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