Is One Day Potty Training a good idea?

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Is One Day Potty Training a good idea? | Kids in the House
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Is One Day Potty Training a good idea?

Very often the books will tell you have a toilet out for the child all day long, stay home, keep putting your child on the toilet. As an early childhood educator, I feel that if you are only worrying about training your child, you are going to make them drink a lot of liquids all day long and you are going to be forcing your child to drink to teach them how to use the toilet all day long. And of course, we know that if you are putting your child on the toilet all day long, your trained but is your child really trained?

Watch Video: Is One Day Potty Training a good idea? by Carol Bovill, MAED, ...


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Carol Bovill, MAED

Potty Training Expert

Carol Bovill is celebrating her ten-year anniversary as Director of the Mann Family Early Childhood Center at Wilshire Boulevard Temple in Los Angeles.  In 2008, she opened a second school location at the historic site of the main Synagogue built in 1929. The student population for both centers is over 500 students. Carol has been a leading professional in the field of Jewish early childhood education since 1980. Carol holds a master’s degree in Educational Psychology with emphasis in Early Childhood Education and a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education, both from California State University, Northridge. She is a past president of the Association for Early Jewish Education (AEJE), the former organization of Jewish Nursery School professionals in the Greater Los Angeles area.

Prior to joining Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Carol was the Assistant Executive Director at the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Los Angeles. She developed curriculum, hired administrators and oversaw the early childhood programs at seven local Jewish Community Centers. Carol was the founding Director of the Conejo Valley Jewish Community Center for Early Childhood and Family Education.  Before working for the Jewish Community Centers, Carol was the Assistant Director at Valley Beth Shalom Nursery School. Carol started her career teaching Nursery School for children ages two to five and facilitating parenting classes.

Carol lives in Century City with her husband Dan of 33 years. Carol and Dan enjoy power walking, exercising, traveling, reading, and entertaining friends and family. Their daughter, Melissa 29, is a Director of Talent for Nickelodeon. Their son, Jeremy 26, manages an on-line provider of pet medications.  

Potty Training
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