Knowing when your toddler is old enough to give up naps

Elizabeth Pantley, Parent Educator & Author, shares advice for parents on how to tell when your toddler can stop napping and how to recognize the signs that they still need naps
When Do Toddlers Stop Napping
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Knowing when your toddler is old enough to give up naps

This video is about: dropping naps, children who need naps, when should my child stop napping

Elizabeth Pantley, Parent Educator & Author, shares advice for parents on how to tell when your toddler can stop napping and how to recognize the signs that they still need naps


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Elizabeth Pantley

Author, The No-Cry Solution book series

Elizabeth Pantley is a parent educator, mother of four, and the author of the now-classic baby sleep book, The No-Cry Sleep Solution, as well as six other books in the series, including The No-Cry Separation Anxiety Solution, The No-Cry Potty Training Solution, The No-Cry Discipline Solution, The No-Cry Picky Eater Solution, plus other successful parenting books. She is known worldwide as the practical, reasonable voice of respectful parenting. Her books are available in 27 languages.

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