Helping kids with special needs appreciate school

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Helping kids with special needs appreciate school

You know, kids with special needs often don’t like to go back to school after the summer break. School can be a hard place for kids with special needs, so it’s really important for parents to remember to help their child feel more eager to go back to school. One thing you can do is you can take your child shopping for at least one special item, a special backpack, a special shirt – anything that helps your child feel that school is a more special place. It’s really a good idea to talk to your child and get them eager about the things that they are going to encounter in school, like going back and seeing their best friend or that teacher that they like so much, or the sport or the club that they’re going to join. Another thing that’s really good to do is to make sure that you get back onto your regular routines at the beginning of August. We often relax our bedtime. It’s important for kids to be well rested when they go back to school. So start at the beginning of August to get little by little back to your regular bedtime for school. And if you don’t already have a family special tradition that marks the end of summer and the beginning of school, start this year – anything a child can look forward to and celebrate before they go back to school.

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Kari Miller, PhD, BCET

Educational Specialist

Dr. Kari Miller, PhD, BCET is a board certified educational therapist and director of Miller Educational Excellence, an educational therapy center in Los Angeles, CA.  She educates students who have complicated learning needs due to issues such as attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities and autism.  She is the host of the popular Blogtalk radio show, Special Kid School Talk, which helps parents raise their special needs children to be academically successful.

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