Education and support for mental illness

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Education and support for mental illness | Kids in the House
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Education and support for mental illness

If you are not educated about what's going on in your own home, you are lost. You have nowhere to go. You are just fighting the situation, trying to deal with it on your own and getting nowhere. It's like being a hamster in a cage and you just keep spinning around and around. It's the definition of insanity. But, of course, you don't want to hear that word too often. So you need to be educated. You have to know what is going on with your own child. You have to where to get services. How to get diagnosed. How to get your child the services that they need through the school system. What kind of meds your child needs to be on so that they can maintain somewhat of a typical lifestyle of a teenager or a young adult. Without the education, you are lost. NAMI gives you the chance to get educated, and it will help parents from searching in mystery. I mean, they are just trying to navigate their way through the fog and they need some clarity. NAMI gives them the clarity.

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Jay Gaylen


Jay Gaylen is the dad of a now 22-year old daughter who was diagnosed as a teen with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), Bi-Polar II and ADHD. Jay and his wife, Renu, adopted Joslyn from Thailand. The process started when Joslyn was just nine months old. It took nearly two years to complete the adoption process — a good reason why Joslyn is a RAD kid. They sought help from numerous resources before discovering NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). Jay began lecturing for NAMI’s Parents and Teachers as Allies program while being trained to teach the Family to Family and Basics courses.

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