Advice for parents whose kids are disinterested in school

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Advice for Parents of Children Disinterested in School
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Advice for parents whose kids are disinterested in school

The advice that I would give to parents who have children who are disinterested in school is a phrase that I call Control Alt Delete. It's time to reboot our thinking of education. You need to take control of your children's education. You need to realize that alternative education is not for broken kids. That sometimes that is the answer for a child that is struggling in the traditional setting. And then you need to delete your indoctrinated ideas of what education is all about. Sometimes there are creative ways to educate a child. So search out and find that setting that is beneficial to your child.

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Kimberly Etter

Alternative Education

Kimberly Lynn Etter is married to her high school sweetheart, Mike. They have shared the wonderful experience of parenthood with their three incredible sons and one amazing daughter, and have shared the indescribable joy of one awesome grandson...their life is blessed!

Kimberly has been in education in several capacities over the years, and it is her passion. She has homeschooled and unschooled her children, has tutored at-risk youth, has taught in private schools, and was a principal for a year. From a Montessori preschool to a juvenile detention facility, she has enjoyed working with a diversity of young people. As an innovative educator with radical ideas, to her surprise she found her tribe at iLEAD Lancaster Charter School in Lancaster, California, in 2012. She was invited to facilitate iLEAD's home study program as director.

Kimberly's goal for iLEAD Lancaster's Home Study program is to provide a personalized learning environment, committed to nurturing a passion for lifelong learning. She respects and supports families’ choices to educate their children in a manner best suited to them while collaborating with them to provide a creative educational experience. She feels deeply honored to be a part of their homeschooling journey.

Recognizing that children are natural learners, Kimberly desires to facilitate a collaborative environment through a democratic process of decision-making where students are allowed the freedom to pursue their passion and take ownership of their learning. She understands that when children are given a rich environment like fertile soil for a garden, they can flourish while becoming self-directed, life-long learners. In her years of experience in education, she recognizes that motivation comes from within as a child is allowed to freely explore their interests.

Photography is also an intricate part of Kimberly’s life. Giving her first film SLR camera as a high school graduation gift, Kimberly’s father is responsible for sparking her interest and love of photography! She loves taking pictures, especially of children! Through her lens, she is inspired to capture the joy of learning in the learners at iLEAD.




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