Home study process

Adoptive mom and expert Langka Treadwell contests the commonly held misconceptions of home studies and social workers and assures parents that the process is meant to be supportive and helpful, rather than intimidating or challenging.
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Home study process

The home study process is really a lot less challenging than people think. It is not an element of adoption that is the big challenge. What you see on television, what you see in movies, the idea of the social worker working against you – this is a fallacy. A social worker is there: a. to guide you on what type of adoption you would be interested in, what child was an appropriate age or special need or what type of child is appropriate for your family. They are not your enemies – that’s the real message I want to get out. They are there a 100% to help you. They want you to have a glowing report and they want you to end up with a child. I have not met any people who have failed their home study. So really, if you’re honest, you are a caring person and you actually legitimately want a child, you should be fine in the adoption process and with the home study. You don’t have to go around making sure that your house is baby proofed – that is something made up by films. They are there as an emotional guide to you and to see if you’re ready and prepared to go through the journey of adopting and raising a child that is adopted.

Adoptive mom and expert Langka Treadwell contests the commonly held misconceptions of home studies and social workers and assures parents that the process is meant to be supportive and helpful, rather than intimidating or challenging.


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Langka Treadwell

Adoptive Mom

Langka Treadwell is the mother to seven children adopted from all over the globe. She works and volunteers with organizations affiliated with adoption related issues.

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