The three parts of the mind

Psychiatrist & Author Ned Hallowell, MD, EdD, explains the three different parts of the mind and how they determine a child's cognitive style
The Three Parts of the Mind - Brain Development In Children
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The three parts of the mind

We can think of the mind as being three parts. Number one is cognition. Number two is affect, what you feel. The third, that nobody has ever heard of is conation. Conation is very interesting. Conation is your God-given, instinctive, genetically determined, natural style of solving a problem. Kathy Kolbe, this wonderfully brilliant woman from Arizona, has a whole test for determining what a child's conative style might be. If you are interested, you can go to her website at, and take the test. It's a true revelation. Your conative style. Your natural way of solving a problem.

Psychiatrist & Author Ned Hallowell, MD, EdD, explains the three different parts of the mind and how they determine a child's cognitive style


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Edward Hallowell, MD, EdD

Psychiatrist, ADHD Specialist, & Author

Edward (Ned) Hallowell, MD, EdD is a Harvard-trained Child and Adult Psychiatrist in practice in Sudbury, MA (outside Boston) and New York City. The author of 18 books, Dr. Hallowell specializes in learning differences such as ADHD and dyslexia, both of which he has himself.  He has also written extensively on general issues of parenting and living in our modern age. He lives in the Boston area with his wife of 23 years, Sue, and their three children, Lucy, Jack, and Tucker.

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