Importance of trying multiple activities when young
Psychiatrist & Author Ned Hallowell, MD, EdD, explains why kids should try as many activities as possible to help them find out what they like and what kind of brain they have
It's important for kids to try as many activities as possible so they can find out what they like. It's how you find out what kind of brain you've got. You try the best neuropsych test of all, it's just trying as much as you can. And then you find out where your brain lights up, then as you get older you begin to specialize. You begin to say, "I want to do a lot of these and i don't want to do any of that." But at the beginning you want to expose them to as much as possible. And don;t let them fall into the trap of using avoidance as a coping style, "Oh I don't want to do that, I don't want to do that." Coax them into it, no matter what it is so they've at least sampled much of the great smorgasbord of life as they possible can.
Psychiatrist & Author Ned Hallowell, MD, EdD, explains why kids should try as many activities as possible to help them find out what they like and what kind of brain they have
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Edward Hallowell, MD, EdDPsychiatrist, ADHD Specialist, & Author
Edward (Ned) Hallowell, MD, EdD is a Harvard-trained Child and Adult Psychiatrist in practice in Sudbury, MA (outside Boston) and New York City. The author of 18 books, Dr. Hallowell specializes in learning differences such as ADHD and dyslexia, both of which he has himself. He has also written extensively on general issues of parenting and living in our modern age. He lives in the Boston area with his wife of 23 years, Sue, and their three children, Lucy, Jack, and Tucker.
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