Choosing a preschool

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Choosing a preschool | Kids in the House
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Choosing a preschool

I believe the most important thing to consider when looking for a preschool is location. Often these preschools are only three hours. And if you spend a lot of time in the car getting to and from a school, you are going to get there and then turn around and have to go right back. And when you drop off your child, it doesn´t take two minutes. It often takes up to 20 minutes to drop your child off. So definitely think about location when looking at a preschool. And also, it´s good to remember that often the friends are very close in that neighborhood and playdates and parkdates are going to happen and if you are driving all over the place, everybody kind of lives kind of near the preschool. So it´s a good idea to think about location. The second thing you must consider when going on tours is the philosophy of a school. What´s the best fit for my child and for my family? Do I want an academic setting or do I want a developmental setting? What´s important to us? Not what´s important to your best friend´s child or your child´s best friend, it´s what´s important to you and your family. Fit is really important.

Learn about: Choosing a preschool from Joanna Port,...


Expert Bio

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Joanna Port

Educational Specialist & Executive Director of PEL

Joanna Port is Executive Director of the Parents Education League (PEL) of Los Angeles. She holds a master's degree in Education from Pepperdine University and a master's degree in Social Work from University of Southern California. Before having four children of her own, she worked as a social worker with families and children in residential treatment. After she obtained her teaching credential, she worked as a teacher for four years. Coming back to work as PEL's Executive Director, she is able to combine her degrees and interest in education and children's mental health in her hometown, Los Angeles.

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