Why alcohol is the most dangerous drug for teens

Michael J. Bradley, EdD explains why alcohol is the most dangerous drug for teens and what some of the negative repercussions can be. For more information on teen alcohol use, watch this video.
Why alcohol is the most dangerous drug for teens | Kids in the House
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Why alcohol is the most dangerous drug for teens

We've seen a recent spike in alcohol fatalities based on one of the new trends. First of all kids drink much more than they used to. They don't have a couple of beers in the park. They typically run shots. And they actually try to get drunk. And they'll film themselves having blackouts. It's like a badge of courage. You'd think they had won the bronze star in Afghanistan stumbling around stupid. To enable themselves to drink more, to look more macho - and yes,mom and dad, the girls are doing this too - they'll sometimes steal their little brothers ADHD medications, the Ritalin and Adderall, take those so they can drink more. And they can. They can tolerate the alcohol cause they're so stimulated by the methamphetamine,which is really what is Ritalin and Adderall. The problem is when that wears off they spiral into alcohol toxicity. Some kids will look okay. They put them to bed. They don't wake up in the morning, because they can literally stop breathing. Secondarily they vomit. They choke to death on their vomit. They're the ones that survive, get a particularly nasty form of pneumonia from inhaling the vomit. So mom and dad understand alcohol is the deadly drug. Do not get laid back about that any more than you would if you found out your kid was taking pain killers.

Michael J. Bradley, EdD explains why alcohol is the most dangerous drug for teens and what some of the negative repercussions can be. For more information on teen alcohol use, watch this video.


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Michael J. Bradley, EdD

Psychologist, Author & Speaker

Michael J. Bradley, EdD, award-winning author, has counseled adolescents and their parents for over 30 years and currently has a private practice in suburban Philadelphia. As a recognized specialist in adolescent behavior and parenting, Dr. Bradley is in demand as a speaker and facilitator for mental health professionals, educators, and parenting groups. He has appeared on over 400 radio and television shows, including CNN, The Today Show and Good Morning, America, and has been interviewed by numerous magazines and newspapers such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Parents Magazine. His website forum is a great source of advice and encouragement to parents.

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