Adoption sites

Jill Boyer, MSW, foster care and adoption expert explains to prospective parents what they can expect from an adoption agency once they have decided to pursue the adoption process.
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Adoption sites

Once you have selected your adoption agency, the one that is going to represent you, who is going to advocate for you, who is going to support you through the process; you should feel that your social worker is on board with the process for you, knows you, knows who you are, knows what kind of situation and child you're looking for. Your agency should also make clear to you what the fees are, what the process is, and what the wait time may be. Any possible situations that come up, you should be able to get that information from your social worker. If you are feeling, in this kind of stressful process, that you are not being heard by your social worker or the agency, this is something you need to bring to the attention of your social worker so that you can go forward in the most positive way possible. Many families tell us that the waiting period is the very hardest. It's probably good to get a call from your social worker, an email, so that they know that you are there and still a viable family and that they are looking for you. I would recommend that the families do their part by staying connected with the agency.

Jill Boyer, MSW, foster care and adoption expert explains to prospective parents what they can expect from an adoption agency once they have decided to pursue the adoption process.


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Jill Boyer, MSW

Adoption & Foster Care Expert

Jill W. Boyer, MSW was born in Detroit, Michigan. She earned a Bachelor of Social Work degree from Michigan State University in E. Lansing and a Master of Social Work Degree from Wayne State University in Detroit. Ms. Boyer has dedicated her 25-year professional life primarily to supportive services for children and youth.

Prior to coming to Vista Del Mar Child And Family Services in 2005, Ms. Boyer has directed two post-adoption projects at The Institute for Black Parenting in Los Angeles, served as the Director of the Emergency Shelter Care Facility at Children’s Institute International in Torrance, was Acting Director of the Upward Bound Program at Harbor College, and provided and coordinated therapeutic services to families in the CALworks program.

She feels a special connection to adoption and foster care. She brings her experience to the Foster, Foster-Adopt, Domestic Adoption and Intercountry Adoption Programs at Vista, as the Community Services Program Director.

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