Meet Aaliyah Noble

Parenting Expert Aaliyah Noble shares information about himself and his background in working with youths and teen parents
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Meet Aaliyah Noble

My name is Aaliyah Noble, I have a fabulous 6 years old son name Quintin. I started my career in the non-profit world working with teen parents, teaching them to empower themselves, to make the best decisions and also teaching them to educate other youth on the realities of being a teen parent. From then, i moved on to the production world and started a production company, with my friend where we make documentaries and short films. When I moved to LA from Texas, I found a place. Kids in the house to merge those two worlds. So now I'm working in production and parenting. In my free time, I really enjoyed roller skating and collecting stamps.
ALL PARENTS, Experts, Introductions

Parenting Expert Aaliyah Noble shares information about himself and his background in working with youths and teen parents


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Aaliyah Noble

Single Mom

Aaliyah Noble is the single mother of a six year-old son. Despite having her son when she was just a teenager, Aaliyah has had a successful career in the non-profit sector, helping to educate and empower teen parents, and also in production, spearheading a company that produces documentaries and short films. 

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