Meet Michael Riera

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Meet Michael Riera

I am Micheal Riera and I have a PhD in Psychology. I spent my entire carrier working with kids. I have written a few books and I have worked in Television for a while and I really enjoyed it. But I would really always come back to education. Most alive for me is working with kids, face to face, working with school system where they live the most and watching how they change overtime. I have been a Teacher. I have been a school counselor. Currently I am the head of school the Los Angeles at age of 12 which i love because i get to see all the different developmental periods these kids go through. I live in with my family here in Los Angeles. My wife, my daughter, my son. We got a dog, we got a cat, we got a bunch of fish. A lively home in other words. In my spare time i love to do the Martial Arts. Keeps me out of trouble, keeps me in shape. Takes my aggression out of all sorts of other people, all are doing the same thing to me. We have fun together. I play basketball on weekends. My son and my daughter play guitar together not well but we play together and we have fun with it and we tried to do lots of goofy few things as a family. Pretty silly house to be in.
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Michael Riera, PhD

Head Of School, Brentwood School

Michael Riera, PhD, Educator, Author, Media Personality, and Speaker. Michael Riera is the Head of School at the Brentwood School, best-selling author, award-winning columnist, educator, television commentator, and national speaker on issues of children, adolescents, families, and parenting. Mike is the author of Right From Wrong: instilling a Sense of integrity in Our Children, Field Guide to the American Teenager, Uncommon Sense For Parents With Teenagers, and Surviving High School. His most recent book, Staying Connected To Your Teenager, was launched with three appearances on Oprah! For eight years he was the Family Consultant for CBS The Saturday Morning Early Show and also hosted an award winning television show on the Oxygen Network, Life in Progress, as well as his own daily radio show, Family Talk with Dr. Mike. Mike has worked in schools for over 20 years as a head of school, counselor, dean of students, teacher and consultant. 

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