Meet Sheryl Ross, MD
Watch Video: Meet Sheryl Ross, MD by Sheryl Ross, MD, ...
My name is Sheryl Ross. I'm an obstetrician gynecologist and I practice in Santa Monica, California. I've been doing this for approximately 20 years. I love working with my patients, helping them with their medical and social needs and bringing life into this world. I have a family, I am married to my wife, Peggy – she's a high school principal in Watts, California. We have three sons, Michael, who is 21, Steven, 19, Jonathan, who's 17. I'm proud and grateful with my family that they understand acceptance, open mindedness and live a life that's true to themselves. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, my friends, relaxing , playing Scrabble and trying to exercise. I've also been on the board of directors of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles for three years. I love being part of this organization and giving back in the most productive and rewarding way.
Watch Video: Meet Sheryl Ross, MD by Sheryl Ross, MD, ...
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Sherry Ross, MDObstetrician & Gynecologist
Sherry A. Ross, MD, received her OB/GYN training at the University of Southern California School of Medicine and she was honored with two teaching awards as a senior medical resident. She was a medical consultant on the books Expecting Fitness and Two at a Time. She also has appeared on MTV, consulted for Fit Pregnancy, People, In Touch, and Shape Magazine. She has been in private practice in Santa Monica, California for the past 20 years. In addition to her medical practice, Dr. Ross was the President of the Upper and Middle Division of Brentwood School and has been on the board of Planned Parenthood, Los Angeles, for three years. She is married and has three children.
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