Importance of alone time as a single parent

Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares advice for single parents and how some time alone can help you to be a better parent
Parenting Tips for Single Parents - Alone Time | Kids in the House
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Importance of alone time as a single parent

The best advice I can offer a single parent is do not be afraid to take help, a lot of people will see your situation, see that you don't in offered do little nice things for you. Oh can I go take the kid for you to the park or can i take them for ice cream. You should say yes to these things assuming that you trust the person and you know the person, say yes and allow other people to take your kids sometimes, so you have some time to focus on yourself. In the time when your kid is away from you, you have to make sure to do things that help fill you as a person, and don't spend all your free time doing busy work like things for your job or things household chores and instead do something's to make you feel I am on hold, like take a bath or take a walk or read a book or watch your favorite TV show or just stare at the wall. It will in the end help you be a better parent.

Parenting expert Aaliyah Noble shares advice for single parents and how some time alone can help you to be a better parent


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Aaliyah Noble

Single Mom

Aaliyah Noble is the single mother of a six year-old son. Despite having her son when she was just a teenager, Aaliyah has had a successful career in the non-profit sector, helping to educate and empower teen parents, and also in production, spearheading a company that produces documentaries and short films. 

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