Making the most of your time

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Making the most of your time | Kids in the House
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Making the most of your time

I deal with being exhausted as a mom by sleeping in my car. I kid you not. I have been known to take 15 minute naps in parking lots, in my driveway, in the parking garage. If I had a day of work, I will go back to my car and take a 15 minute nap before I get on the road to go back home. Because in my opinion you have to seize every single moment of time that is available to you to recharge, even if it’s just 1 minute here, 5 minutes here, 15 minutes in your car that you may have to take a nap. It will do wonders. So if you see me napping in a parking lot, please do not knock on the window. I need that rest. Because as every mom knows, the second you walk into the door, there is no time for rest or recharging of any kind. You have little tiny beautiful lovable people coming at you screaming “mommy-mommy. I need this. I want this. Look at what I did.” Once you walk in the door, you are theirs, no matter what you try to do. So you need to take the time to rest when you can, when you are by yourself. And for me that means in my car.

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Jill Simonian

TV Host & Founder

Jill Simonian is a Television Host and Mom & Family Lifestyle Expert. As Founder/Blogger of the fresh and motivating online resource, Jill inspires women to keep life focused, fun and as close to fabulous as possible after having babies (with tons of funny fails) through her own personal tales of motherhood. A mom to two girls under the age of 4, Jill's relatable personality and social media wit scored her the gig of Mom-Lifestyle Expert for Hallmark Channel's "Home and Family" daytime show for 2013-2014. She frequently appears on HLN, E!, KTLA-5's Morning News (Los Angeles) and HuffPostLive dishing about celebrity parents, sparking hot-topic debate and sharing personal tips and products about all-things babies, motherhood and parenting. Jill contributes blogs and videos to top online parenting sites (Right Start, Momversation, Modern Mom), has been a 'spokesmom' for branded digital campaigns (Target, T-Mobile, Lance Snacks, Bel Brands) and co-hosted MSN's video series Her Say (2011) alongside the mother of all mom-bloggers, Soleil Moon Frye. Jill is a polished speaker, emcee and panel moderator for corporate and motivational events alike (including Skechers USA and Maria Shriver’s CA Women’s Conference). Prior to having children, Jill racked up hundreds of celebrity interviews as a full-time entertainment reporter and hosted a multitude of lifestyle and entertainment news programs airing on HLN/CNN ("Showbiz Tonight"), KTLA-5 ("Sneaks," KTLA's "Morning News"), Travel Channel ("America's Worst Driver"), ReelzChannel ("Dailies", "The Big Tease") and more. Jill is a specially-selected member of Children's Hospital Los Angeles' Digital Philanthropic Committee and is truly having a blast keeping life 'fabulous' with her husband (a pediatric surgeon) and their two wildly opinionated toddlers… fails and all.

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