Measurement charts to track growth

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Measurement charts to track growth

A single measurement of BMI is not going to tell the tale. What you need to do is look at the history of that child, the growth chart should be kept in the child’s file at the paediatricians’ office and that chart should be updated from time to time, probably twice a year, maybe the school nurse will do it once a year. School nurses are trained to do this properly as well. The idea is that, if a child is tracking steadily at the 85th percentile, that doesn't concern me very much, what concerns me is a child who’s been tracking at the 50th percentile for several years and then he jumps up to the 85th percentile; now that’s the child that may be growing, too heavy, too fast and it’s possible that this child should be intervened with.
ALL PARENTS, Health and Wellness

Watch Barbara J. Moore, PhD's video on Measurement charts to track growth...


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Barbara J. Moore, PhD

President, Shape Up America!

Barbara J. Moore, PhD is president and CEO of Shape Up America!, a nonprofit organization founded in 1994 by former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop. The mission of SUA is to raise awareness of obesity as a health issue through its award-winning website,  and other communication channels.  Considered a leading authority on obesity in the United States, Dr. Moore served on the Institute of Medicine Committee on Prevention of Obesity in Children in Youth, which produced the landmark 2005 report Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance. Moore received her PhD in nutritional science from Columbia University. Her postdoctoral training in nutrition and physiology was at the University of California at Davis. She held an academic position at Rutgers University and also served in industry as General Manager of Program Development at Weight Watchers International.  She held several federal government positions at the White House and the National Institutes of Health before joining Shape Up America! in 1995. She holds a BA from Skidmore College and an MS in nutrition from Columbia University’s Institute of Human Nutrition. 

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