Eating healthy if I am on food stamps

Eating healthy if I am on food stamps
Eating healthy if I am on food stamps | Kids in the House
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Eating healthy if I am on food stamps



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Nona Evans

Whole Kids Foundation President and Executive Director

Nona has a longstanding passion for improving the experience of children's education, which she has married with the importance of nutrition and access to healthy food choices through Whole Kids Foundation, the newest philanthropic endeavor of Whole Foods Market.  After nearly two decades in retail design, operations and marketing, Nona is putting the core principles of experiential branding to work as the leader of Whole Kids Foundation, which launched in July 2011. Driven by a belief that the best way to insure a bright future is to inspire it in young people, Nona has spent much of her career focusing on innovative partnerships that improve education and support healthier foodservice programs in schools. Nona has been with Whole Foods Market for 12 years, most recently serving as the Global Executive Marketing Coordinator. 

Healthy Meals and Snacks
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