How is assertive communication important for my daughter?

Learn about: How is assertive communication important for my daughter? from Jodi Wing,...
How is assertive communication important for my daughter? | Kids in the House
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How is assertive communication important for my daughter?

Teaching assertive communication: Helping your daughter to find her voice is one of the most critical things you can do because it really goes to her sense of self and self-worth. And I always say words are your best friends and vocabulary is key because there are a million, billion words in this world and we need to learn as many of them as possible so as to express ourself correctly, to be able to advocate for ourselves and for those we love. Another portion of this really would be teaching girls boundaries in terms of what they will and will not accept goes a long way to help them develop their characters and self-worth.

Learn about: How is assertive communication important for my daughter? from Jodi Wing,...


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Jodi Wing

Educational Activist & Author

Jodi Wing is an author, educator, and an activist for girls and women. Her debut novel is entitled 'The Art of Social War,' which she says, "is about very bad behavior and girl-on-girl crime".  It is also based on The Art of War, by Sun Tzu, a 2500-proven philosophy which is a seminal treatise on conflict resolution and problem-solving. For the past three years, she created and evolved 'The Art of Peace Club' program within LAUSD/LA's BEST after-school Enrichment Program, teaching tween girls 'how to' manage social conflict and competition in their everyday lives. Over 300+ girls have graduated to date. She does not have children herself, but she does have 28,000 of them at LA’s BEST!

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