Advice for new parents
Andra Clark, Doula and Mother, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice for new parents on the importance of setting time aside for yourself
My best advice for new parents is to pretty much take time for yourself. Before you brought baby home, there was you and your partner. And if you're a single parent, then it was you. You came first. If you don't end each day with starting back to the basics of you and your partner, how can you be a good parent if you're frustrated and wound really tight? You have to take the time to take time for yourself, whether it's a walk or a hot bath, or get your hair done or get your nails done. For a man, go out with the buddies. Do something that is about you, not about the baby and you. And also, don't sweat the petty things. Babies do things that are funny and sometimes it bothers you. But if it bothers you because it bothers you but it's not doing any harm to their manners or if they'll socially be accepted or not, you gotta think to yourself, Is it worth it? Is it worth the stress, to pick it apart and pull it apart? Just don't sweat the petty things and take time for yourself. Always go back to the basics.
Andra Clark, Doula and Mother, shares her Golden Nugget of parenting advice for new parents on the importance of setting time aside for yourself
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Andra ClarkDoula & Mom
Andra is a mom of a 15 month-old, a business owner and a doula. In her free time she loves the outdoors. She enjoys camping with her family in their 1985 old-school motor home, listening to her collection of records, swimming, barbequeing, fishing, boating, shooting guns at the firing range, reading, dancing, doing yoga, and playing music (as she is also a musician and actress). She is a tomboy with a girly flare and very much a free spirit. Her daughter is her heart and soul and truly her very best friend, besides her husband. Her family loves to be together, sharing in spontaneous adventures!
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