Retrospective thoughts on parenting

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Retrospective thoughts on parenting

What I know now as a third time mother that I wish I knew when I was a first time mother, is that it is actually not that difficult. When the baby is crying, the baby is going to be okay. I wish I had let my other two children cry it out a little bit more, maybe leave them to themselves to explore the world. I became a little bit of a helicopter mom. I would run over and try to save them whenever they started to cry, when really, they just needed to experience the emotion. I also wish I knew that there were so many other people out there that were struggling as I was. I was too worried about looking like I was a good mom, when in fact, I was a struggling mom. I wish I had known that that we are all just trying to survive. It is okay if the baby cries. It is okay of the baby has a tantrum. It's okay.

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Helena Heyman

Literary Manager & Mom

Helena Heyman is a yoga-loving, working mother of three children aged seven, five and four months. She lives in the Los Angeles area, where she works as a literary manager. 

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