Dealing with negative comments

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Dealing with negative comments

When you bring yourself into the world of writing online or on a website or a blog, you open yourself up to comments from other people. And for the most part, these comments are amazing. They are rewarding. They are validating. They'll change your life. But some times, when you write about some things, people don't leave nice comments. And from my own personal experience, I haven't had this happen that often. I think part of it is I have a lot of loyal readers that have followed my journey for a very long time. So they know what I've been through. They've kind of walked the shoes with me as I've done my journey. The people that have left negative comments usually are strangers that already have an opinion before they come to my site. When somebody leaves a negative comment, you really have a few options of what to do. You can let the comment remain. Ignore it. Sometimes your other readers may chime in, which is either a good thing or a bad thing. You can always use a moderate. Or you can respond to this person offline, so if it's someone that you know let them know you hurt me with this comment. Or I don't know why you would say this. If it's somebody that you don't know, you can simply delete the comment. Or you can chose to engage with them offline. But either way, know that it is your space. So whatever you want to be there is what you want to be there. So if somebody is taking a poop on your space, get rid of it.

Watch Dresden Shumaker's video on Dealing with negative comments...


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Dresden Shumaker

Single Mom & Blogger

Dresden Shumaker blogs at Creating Motherhood, a site she created in 2005 to chronicle her path to single parenthood. She was honored as a BlogHer "Voices of the Year" keynote speaker in 2012. A former Hollywood insider, Dresden now spends her days working in PR and new media for a Philly tech startup and her evenings negotiating with her three year old son about the number of toys he may bring into the bathtub. Dresden is a single mom and lives in a multigenerational home in Philadelphia.  

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