When should parents stop being naked around kids

Family physician Dr. Deborah Gilboa, popularly known as Dr.G, explains how to encourage respect and privacy in your family by having conversations about nudity if necessary.
When should parents stop being naked around kids | Kids in the House
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When should parents stop being naked around kids


Family physician Dr. Deborah Gilboa, popularly known as Dr.G, explains how to encourage respect and privacy in your family by having conversations about nudity if necessary.


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Deborah Gilboa, MD

Go-to expert on raising and educating respectful, responsible, resilient young people

Deborah Gilboa, MD (popularly known as Dr. G), is a go-to expert on raising and educating respectful, responsible, resilient young people. A parenting and youth development expert renowned for her contagious humor and no-nonsense prescriptions for character development and preventing risky behaviors, Dr. G inspires audiences with her illuminating stories and provides actionable tools to develop crucial life skills in children ages 2-22.

Dr. G is a contributor on the CBS morning show Pittsburgh Today Live, and has shared her doctor-tested, kid-approved advice with the media, seen nationally from NBC, ABC and FOX, to Parents Magazine, Your Teen Magazine to The Wall Street Journal and Today.com.

As family physician and mom of four sons, Dr. G is a sought-after presenter to audiences including parents and educators, universities and military families.

Her latest book, Get the Behavior You Want, Without Being the Parent You Hate! was released by Demos Publishing in September 2014.  She has also authored three activity books based on her 3R’s of Parenting; Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.  These “little books” are popular go-to, user-friendly parenting advice. Teach Resilience: Raising Kids Who Can Launch!, Teach Responsibility: Empower Kids with a Great Work Ethic, and her latest, Teach Respect: That’s My Kid! were designed for today’s busy parents with age specific tips and ideas for building character in kids.

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